Wood Designer forum
Grain continually/ Grain Match|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
December 7, 2018
Thanks Ness
We have Optinest Pro PLB
Can you let us know how or point us to instructions on how to match grain
adjacent drawers in one cabinet as we are getting grained drawers optimised
on different sheets or not grouped together on one sheet.
I’m guessing it may be some setting in Optinest ?
David Walker
October 4, 2012
Hi Dave and Stu,
Optinest version Pro PLB will match grain across adjacent drawer fronts on the same cabinet, but not across different cabinets in the same project.
As I said in my last posts this option is on the developer’s to do list but we don’t have any dates yet.
October 4, 2012
The grain matching across cabinets in projects is actually on the developer teams agenda but we are sorry to say that we don’t yet have any dates for completion.
Sorry about this but the developer team has a lot going on as well as having had a lot of set backs due to the COVID cases and lock downs.
We’re hoping that things will get back to normal this summer.
We’ll keep you updated ASAP.
Best regards,
November 8, 2013
Hi Ryno, you won’t be able to test this out in the demo mode of OptiNest. Please can you contact me here to arrange a demo if you’d like to see how it works. Thanks
We don’t have any news on grain feature updates yet, sorry.
November 13, 2019
Grain continually/ Grain Match
Hi, is there any development news on grain matching beside one cabinet with Optinest?
Grain matching with Opticut?
Grain matching in project mode?
Can you please take me through the steps to get grain matching in Optinest. I have made a cabinet with doors and drawers and would like to optimize it optinest. I have the Polyboard Pro PP and Optinets Demo
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