Wood Designer forum
Slack in doors and drawer|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
January 20, 2017
You need to edit Drawers / Doors sub-methods
or edit slack from left and right manually
Cheers, Alex
January 20, 2022
Hi Alex,
Thanks, that make sense.
Please see attached photo, it doesn’t work the way we want it would however.
It is still different slack on the doors and the drawer…
In our design of the closet, the shelf in between the doors and drawer is behind the doors. I have put in that the door is overpassing the shelf, but the slack on the sides is different, so the parts have different measurements.
January 20, 2017
“apply half slack when shared edges” is only when you have shelves / uprights between 2 doors / drawers
The current Sub-method doors is to uncheck option “apply half slack when shared edges”
and set 1.5 for Applied and 3mm for built-in doors
If I compare both sub-methods on your cabinet, slacks are inverted on your droors
and it is why you don’t have the same setting
Cheers, Alex
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