Wood Designer forum
Utility Room|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

November 8, 2013

Hi Mark / Everyone
Just to let you know we’ve added this utility/boiler room design to our Template Library.
Click here if you’d like to download it
Thanks again to Mark for sharing.

May 18, 2014

Hi Ness
Glad these posts are interesting.
The workshop manufacture took one craftsman one day to make from the plans, cutlists etc. This included the doors as we have a spindle moulder set up with a 6mm grooving cutter just for shaker style doors.
The install took another day with two men. Would be quicker but as there was a solid oak worktop and sink to install, this time was added.
I will start a new thread for some templates as they may prove interesting.

October 4, 2012

Thanks for sharing Mark, great stuff!
Your posts are really interesting and show clearly what a bit of good software and some well thought out organisation can do for a professional woodworker.
How long did this unit take to make and install?
Would it be possible to post the PolyBoard project file and let us eventually use it as a template in the members template library?
Looking forward to reading your next post.
All the best,

May 18, 2014

Utility rooms are usually simple for us. We build a mini kitchen and it’s all done.
The brief required a solution to fit a small utility that was almost filled with the houses boilers. Need a paintable set of units that still allowed complete access to the boilers, but when closed looked like there existing kitchen.
Oh, and they needed a small sink and oak worktop for there coffee machines.
I Found the design using Polyboard easy as usual and allowed me to ‘unbox’ units to allow the customer (more likely the plumber) access to certain parts at any time. It also allowed me to put the boilers dimensions on the project as wall sections to make sure I got very close without stopping access.
I wont quote the time savings in detail, but suffice to say it cut the process in half again.
The original room.
The plan.
The fitted, but open cabinets.
The final shot..
Seemed to work out ok….
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