Wood Designer forum
cut strings drawings|Page 3|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

October 4, 2012

Hi Jesper,
StairDesigner has several mathematical ways of drawing the stringers all depending on the step positions.
v6 and v7 also each end up with different string shapes.
The important information is the step positions, the actual string edges drawn by StairDesigner are really not import as it’s easy to change the shape on the StairDesigner drawing either manually on the print outs, or in the DXf files or simply when marking out the boards.
All the best,

October 4, 2012

Hi Jesper,
I attach the production documents for a stair like yours.
You’ll find in the “jesper01v01” folder the dxf files per part.
The DXf files will produce the developed inner (yellow) and outer (red) faces of the cut strings:
The main workshop document is the jesper01v01.sds.pdf file.
Hope this is helpful,
All the best,
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