Wood Designer forum
version 6 or version 7?|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
October 4, 2012
Hi Oliver,
Thanks for posting this.
However, I’m guessing that you need to design spiral stairs with a circular central post and I don’t think either version of StairDesigner very adapted to draw spiral stairs.
V6 has very limited spiral stair functions but it is possible to draw spiral stairs with a square or faceted post.
I don’t recommend using and StairDesigner 7 doesn’t have any spiral stair functions yet. We are hoping to get some up this year but for the time being I would design these stairs directly using CADD.
All the best,
October 4, 2012
Hi Oliver,
Thanks for posting your project, however, the drawing doesn’t seem to have uploaded.
Can you post it again?
Don’t forget to click the “start upload button” before the “submit reply” button.
All the best,
Hi. Stefan suggested that I post a description and sketch-up 2D graphics of my stair plans before starting so as to be directed to version 6 or version 7. The
Spiral stairs – 3 flights – lower ground to 2F.
Spiral diameter 1900;
Floor-to-floor height:
LG-UG 2920;
UG-1F 3000;
1F-2F 3050;
Total 8970.
Flight start/stop degree:
LG 270/180 (1st step start variable to fit fixed stop at 180 degrees);
UG 0/0-120 (1st step fixed at 0 degrees; stop variable at 0-120);
1F 120/180 (1st step variable at 90-180 to fit fixed stop at 180-210).
I hope above makes sense. I attach images showing landing coloured pink and stairwell yellow.
Is version 6 or 7 more suitable? Any other advice, including how to avoid intersecting stringer error when completing full rotation.
thanks, Oliver
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