Wood Designer forum
Hettich Actro YOU Avantech drawers and rules|Page 3|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
January 20, 2017
Please see this first video to restore the method and sub-methods
and how to edit it to AvanTech Height 101
The H77 update that had the 101mm height settings, attached
another video on how to simulate the Built in drawer front
Hope this helpful,
Best wish, Alexandre
Thank you for rules – one more time.
I Want to understand – how I can create internal drawers – which are located behind the doors?
And could you please tell – how I can create a structure for drawer frontage to imitate internal drawer aluminium front?
How I should prepare that one correctly?
January 20, 2017
Please you can find Upload Models with the complete configuration of Hettich AvanTech you height 77,
Manufactured+Sub-equipment+Sub-drawers with “strength furniture”.
You can restore, test, and duplicate to make all other heights.
and check “strength furniture” drilling position I didn’t find
be careful that the other drawers have a recess value between the drawers Top at the back of the drawers -21 and not -26 as 77 (under drawer sub-methods)
Good luck, Alexandre
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