Wood Designer forum
Methods Disappeared |Forum|WOOD DESIGNER
January 20, 2017
After your last mail, this issue was resolved.
Cheers, Alex
Sorry for my late reply here Alex, i’ve been away on location doing installs.
On my desktop I have PolyBoard 7.09a
If you have any time to jump on a call today it would be amazing.
Look forward to hear from you!
My email is info@rikka.studio. this will be a better way to contact me
January 20, 2017
In principle, this only happens if you install/reinstall the QuickDesign library.
I can do a Zoom session with you this morning (but my English is very limited).
I might not be able to get your library but I should be able to get your configuration
QuickDesign installer is not a update but a new version! and erase all if install in the previous folders
Can you check if you have folder polyboard v7.4 and v7.5 on your desktop?
Cheers, Alex
Thanks Alex. I’ll get onto that and salvage what I can.
What’s odd is that not only has that changed (no files have been moved or deleted from my computer), also my post processor list is different (all was deleted except a specific one that I set up with Ness), but also my label settings for Optinest are all gone!
And on top of that I just cut out a cabinet, and all parts are 2.5mm smaller than whats in the design. I used the Lamello Cabineo and had to trim off 2-2.5mm of overhang to get the cabinet to fit together? Thankfully I am able to salvage the cabinet as it’s quite expensive material and had some tolerance but it would be good to maybe set up a call/video to find the root of the problem because as of now I can’t get things through from Polyboard/Optinest/VCarve to the CNC in our usual way. So bit of a disaster really! We have a kitchen from custom laminated material needs to start next week and I need for things to be back to normal for that as there’s a wait time of a month for the material to be made up.
Look forward to hearing from you
January 20, 2017
The only solution is to backup/restore your libraries as described in the link below.
-When PolyBoard starts up, you get a message like “the system cannot find the file specified”.
-Have you connected your computer to a OneDrive account?
Cheers, Alex
My methods seem to have all disappeared?
I haven’t changed anything in my folder or its location, but now when I load an old cabinet it says ‘Some fittings or rules are different from your libraries’
I am able to restore those individual fittings, but all of the rest are not there. So no hinges whatsoever, none of the custom fittings that I’ve made etc.
Is this a bug? Or what can I do to get back my libraries + methods?
Look forward to hear from you!
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