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January 20, 2017

For now yes…
Default drilling is tool is 101, based on this origine for CNC without drilling”s group
Like show in video at 1 minutes of video into customized tool merge option “optimised tool” to “NO” then turn back to “YES”
then applied this customized Tool to your drilling to force type ( P / L / S / Automatic) and tool number to Auto “-1”
I ask to the dev team if this can be update, to apply as default without customized Tool
Cheers, Alex

February 20, 2024

Thanks Alex
This is somewhat helpful.
But to ask my previous question perhaps more clearly.
Must I always define the tool used for vertical drilling for each and every new hole and dowel?
I cannot make maestro assign a tool for any Drilling Task on its own. It only works if I assign the given tool for the given hole in PolyBoard as you are showing me.
For example:
CreateDrill(“Drilling 1”, 8, 577.6, 12, 8, “”, TypeOfProcess.Drilling, “101”, “-1”, 1, -1, -1, “P”);
In the above script line the Tool “101” is defined thus if i can name a tool in Maestro 101 and it can assign it automatically no problem. This is ok.
CreateDrill(“Drilling 1”, 8, 577.6, 12, 8, “”, TypeOfProcess.Drilling, “”, “-1”, 1, -1, -1, “P”);
In the above script line the Tool is not defined it is simply blank “” and in this case Maestro cannot or does not assign a tool to it. Yet I do have a drilling tool in my tools that can drill the 8mm hole required.
Is it possible to have Maestro find and use the appropriate Drilling Tool for a given hole without assigning the tool as a customized tool in Poly Board for each and every unique dowel and hole?
Thanks for the help!

January 20, 2017

Sorry I understand!
Per default Tool 101 as been set because he can’t stay blank!
Please see this video, how to set Tool if you use milling or “-1” for automatic selection
Cheers, Alex

February 20, 2024

Thanks Alex
I did watch the video, our issue is not with tooling type being Lancia or Plate. All our tooling requires Plate Drilling and Maestro Tooling has Plate Bits. This part is fine.
The problem seem to be that Maestro is not associating any tooling with our Drilling.
When I look at the Script File in Note Pad I notice there is no tool defined for my Drilling, but there are tools defined for Milling.
How do I set the Post Processor to assign the appropriate Boring/Drilling bit with each hole without having to force each hole to the correct Tool as the video you are linking is showing.
I notice for all types of cutting in Post Processor Options there is a menu for selecting which tool to use except for vertical drilling it does not have this option to chose the appropriate tool.
See attached link for more information.
one is a notepad format the other is my post processor menu.
Where is the file in notepad getting the tool definition “101” from???? how do I change or alter the tool definition “101” in PolyBoard as this does not seem to be an option under Vertical Drilling in Post Processor.

January 20, 2017

A°) First of all, IF you have CNC version and No-CNC version mackup backup and restore of Maestro to have the good setting and tool libraries update similar to CNC
1°) Make sure your are using XCS format, and selecting the right machine type,
2°) Tool files names must by exactly correct , open tooling file from maestro to check!

3°) Mechanical Option T and V
Start News empty job from CNC then click on Machine parameters
that’s provided the default setting
4°) Tool Setup, Each tool must be called with exact name into Tooling files
If your tool is called “E001 – Dia” you must type “E001 – Dia” but generally name only have number only and easier to managed like”E001″
5°) make sure drilling diameters, and type (Lancia/Plate) you have done in PolyBoard, are available on your CNC,
6°) import single XCS files before Nesting import to check all is OK!
!!!Caution For drilling by default all through drilling are defined as Lancia , and on CNC if you only have plat drilling that can’t work
You can look this post for explain process to force Lancia drill to Plate drilling
If you need help we can proposed PP 2h Support pack
Hope that’s helpful, Alex
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