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fixed size treads |Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

March 1, 2015

michel melon said
Hi Duayne,There are different options.
You can start from model 9 and re-shape the landing to a 45° version and then add another landing also re-shaped until you have that 90° turn. After this adding the last flight.
The second option is to start from scratch in the multi-flight mode.
Here is a video showing how it is done.
(EDIT: video no longer active)
That was very helpful, Thanks !

August 7, 2014

Hi Duayne,
There are different options.
You can start from model 9 and re-shape the landing to a 45° version and then add another landing also re-shaped until you have that 90° turn. After this adding the last flight.
The second option is to start from scratch in the multi-flight mode.
Here is a video showing how it is done.
(EDIT: video no longer active)

August 7, 2014

Hi Duayne,
This is a different model of stair. Here is a model you can work with.

March 1, 2015

michel melon said
Hi Duyane,the tread width is 10″ for the straight steps. This is measured from nose to nose on the steps. You have a nose setting of 1″1/4.
Your steps are 11″1/4. If you set your nose to 0 then the steps will become 10″ in dimension but I guess this is not what you want.
Not only the winder is calculated by stairdesigner but the complete stair as the treadline is the base of measurement in stairs. Can you show me the plan of the architect with measurements? They do not use prof stair software to make their plans.
below is one that was sent to me by an Architect , i left off the details because of the file limits in this site

March 1, 2015

michel melon said
Hi Duyane,the tread width is 10″ for the straight steps. This is measured from nose to nose on the steps. You have a nose setting of 1″1/4.
Your steps are 11″1/4. If you set your nose to 0 then the steps will become 10″ in dimension but I guess this is not what you want.
Not only the winder is calculated by stairdesigner but the complete stair as the treadline is the base of measurement in stairs. Can you show me the plan of the architect with measurements? They do not use prof stair software to make their plans.
i am still getting 10 1/8″ for the straight steps from the revisions you made

March 1, 2015

michel melon said
Hi Duyane,the tread width is 10″ for the straight steps. This is measured from nose to nose on the steps. You have a nose setting of 1″1/4.
Your steps are 11″1/4. If you set your nose to 0 then the steps will become 10″ in dimension but I guess this is not what you want.
Not only the winder is calculated by stairdesigner but the complete stair as the treadline is the base of measurement in stairs. Can you show me the plan of the architect with measurements? They do not use prof stair software to make their plans.
Over hang is irrelevant, I is nothing but an overhang. Run determines the length of the stairs + 1 1/4”
the architect would more than likely use AutoCAD or something similar.
he sent me his plans in PDF and they
are quite detailed will send out something tonight.

August 7, 2014

Hi Duyane,
the tread width is 10″ for the straight steps. This is measured from nose to nose on the steps. You have a nose setting of 1″1/4.
Your steps are 11″1/4. If you set your nose to 0 then the steps will become 10″ in dimension but I guess this is not what you want.
Not only the winder is calculated by stairdesigner but the complete stair as the treadline is the base of measurement in stairs. Can you show me the plan of the architect with measurements? They do not use prof stair software to make their plans.

March 1, 2015

i did not even see the float tool , thanks for the tip , it did clean up the drawing but what i would really like is to make the treads exactly 10″ , if i have a run of 100″ on the out side wall with 6 treads at 60″ and a set of winders at 40 by 40″ providing the winders come to an exact point the drawing should display a 10″ run , the problem is that the winders work their way around the stringer or post which could take up 3 1/2″ in both directions , Stairdesigner then makes it’s own calculations.
I receive some drawings from architects and they generally use a 10″ runs , since they are inflexible i would like to duplicate their drawings in stairdesigner ,
so how do i do that ?
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