Wood Designer forum
Ballustrading|Forum|WOOD DESIGNER

October 4, 2012

Here are the full size DXF files. If necessary you can load these to a CADD program to print full size.
If you don’t have a CADD program, try our free one DraftSight that you can download here:
For your information full size PDF printables are only available at addtional costs.
Best regards,

October 4, 2012

Hi again,
Sorry I sent the wrong pdf for the tweaked version of your stair. It was the 3D print, here’s the 2D workshop doc.
Best regards,

October 4, 2012

Hi Bob,
Sorry for the delay in replying but I been away doing on site training for the last few weeks.
I attach the pdf plans for you stair.
I also attach a second version that I have tweaked a bit the parameters of the right stringboard.
Also added a extension to the cut string. I’m supposing that you are going to add mitred nosings to end cap the steps?
Best regards,
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