Stair Manufacture

Installing a curved stair and handrail

As with all carpentry projects that have to fit into an existing building, installing a stair is the last and final test of the carpenter’s craft. This is the crucial moment that…

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Farm house stair building

Following last week’s article on curved strings and handrail here’s a short example of a wreathed string built with laminates, that I’m actually building in the workshop. This stair is being built…

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How to build curved stairs and handrails

People often ask me how I make curved parts for stairs. These parts have such strange shapes that are far from the usual shapes worked by the average wood worker that they…

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How to cut steps and stair risers on winding stairs

Unlike most other woodworking projects, stair building (other than simple straight stairs), often requires cutting and machining weird shaped parts. This can make simple tasks awkward and when they have to be…

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Amateur builds a curved central cut string

M. Paul-Hervé Paquet has just sent me these photos to show the curved stair he has just build using the laminated layers  technique that I explained in my Building a curved central…

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How to make curved stairs with a central cut string

This is an article that is not really about stair software but a visitor on my blog asked about making curved stairs. I have developed several techniques for different types of curved…

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